Indulge with a Pirate by Gerri Brousseau

Have you ever had a fantasy of being swept away by a handsome pirate? Being in his arms, while the heat of his whispers caress your ear? Well, fantasize no more. In A Pirate’s Ransom, the handsome Pirate Captain Edmund Drake captures Lady Catherine and holds her for ransom … a ransom that has nothing to do with coin.  But when she’s stolen from him, he realizes she has captured his heart. She becomes the pawn in a dangerous rivalry between two pirates—the handsome pirate Captain Edmund Drake and his notorious and fearsome opponent, Blackbeard.  How far will Captain Drake go to reclaim his prize?  Which pirate will decide her fate?  And who will pay … A Pirate’s Ransom?

Here is a short excerpt from A Pirate’s Ransom.


My hand rested on the smooth wood of the rail while I watched the moonlight dance upon the waves, the sound of the wind in the sails was almost liberating. I don’t know how long he stood behind me in silence but when I sensed his presence, my backbone stiffened. What was it about this man that riled me so?

He took a few steps closer. “Catherine,” he said in a voice just above a whisper. The deepness of his murmur caused my mind to wander. Why was I picturing him using this tone with a lover? My back stiffened further and I chided myself for allowing my thoughts to wander in that direction. Refusing to face him, I kept my gaze upon the water.

“It would give me great pleasure if you would do me the honor of dining with me this evening.” He seemed to purr.

He inched closer and the heat of his body radiated into my rigid back. Placing one hand upon my shoulder and his lips close to my ear he whispered, “Please.”

The heat of his whisper caressed my ear and the tension seemed to melt away from me. I closed my eyes and tried to swallow the lump in my throat.

“You look truly beautiful this evening, Milady.” His hoarse whisper scorched my neck and goose bumps ran up my arms. He stood so close that when I relaxed, my back nestled against his chest. His body was hard and warm and the intoxicating smell of him made me dizzy. Heat spread through me in a sensation I had never experienced before as his soft lips gently brushed my neck, but my heart nearly stopped when he whispered, “but not nearly as lovely as you looked this afternoon in the mirror.”


Indulge in your fantasy! In honor of this blog hop, and because “National Talk Like a Pirate Day” happens to be September 19th, I’m offering a giveaway. Three lucky winners will be selected to receive a FREE e-book copy of A PIRATE’S RANSOM. In order to qualify to win you must do three things; first: leave a comment. Use your best “pirate speak” or you won’t qualify; secondly, you must visit my website at, click on “Claim the Ransom” and enter for your chance to win; and third, you must go to my facebook fan page at!/gerribrousseaubooks and “Like” me. Three tasks and the three lucky winners who complete them will claim their share of the booty!

If you can’t wait to get your hands on A Pirate’s Ransom, it is available at the following locations:

Soul Mate Publishing:


Barnes & Noble:

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Let Me Tell You a Story by Gerri Brousseau

Greetings readers. Please allow me to introduce myself. I’m Gerri Brousseau and I’m very excited to share with you today. Let me tell you a story.

Once upon a time, not so very long ago, there was an eight year old girl who rather than spend her summers running with friends or riding bikes, she spent her summers with a spiral notebook and pencil, laying in the shade of the old maple tree, writing. This girl wrote stories about fictional characters. These stories were not worthy of being published, but the girl had no ambition for that. She did love to read.

The years passed and the girl went to high school. Did she try out for the cheerleading squad?  Oh no, that was not where her interest led her. What did she do? I’m glad you asked. She wrote articles for and became the editor of the school newspaper. Did she ever give any thought to writing a novel? No, but she still was an avid reader.

The girl graduated from high school and went to college. There she had the opportunity to write short stories and although her English professors told her they enjoyed her fantasy tales, they also told her she would probably never amount to much. She set writing aside then as she had other interests to pursue, but when she discovered romance novels, her love for reading becoming more intense.

After college she married and had a family. Writing was a forgotten thought. She went from reading novels to reading bed-time stories. But still, there was never a consideration that writing would be part of her future.

Years passed and finally after reading more than one book per week during her 4-hour train ride to and from work per day, inspiration bloomed. Finally she decided to try her hand at writing a novel.

Did she succeed? Not at first, no. Oh, she wrote the novel but soon discovered that there was more to writing a book than just the writing. Much more. Relatives looked at her with sympathy in their gaze when she talked about writing, friends made negative comments and when the rejection letters started to come in, she became discouraged. Did she give up? No. She kept forging ahead and then, one day her book sold. Now her family and friends are all anxious to read her book and they are sending friend requests on Facebook. What changed? Nothing. The naysayers never stop, but the writer never listened to the negative comments. Rather she used them as encouragement to succeed. She believed in herself, believed in her story and above all, she never gave up. And who is this woman you ask? Why it’s me, of course

You know way back when there was a baseball player by the name of Babe Ruth. He was a player who got the most hits. Yes, we have all heard about him, but did you know, he also got struck out the most? But if he didn’t step up to the plate and swing … he would have gotten nothing. And neither will you. If you are a writer and these things are happening to you, I encourage you to keep going. Keep writing. Believe in yourself and your work and have the courage to step up to the plate.

Yes, I did indeed write my first novel on a train. My second was written on a lap top in my living room and out on my deck. My friends stopped saying negative things and now say they always knew I would get published. Everyone is so excited for the release of A Pirate’s Ransom. They can hardly wait … well, the wait is over.

A Pirate’s Ransom is my debut novel. It is the story of Lady Catherine Nettleton who is filled with despair as she boards the ship for England, and toward marriage to man she’s never met—the Duke of Devonshire. But the sea is no place for a lady. She’s captured by the Pirate Captain, Edmund Drake and held for ransom; a ransom that has nothing to do with coin. But when she’s stolen from him, he realizes she has captured his heart. She becomes the pawn in a dangerous rivalry between two pirates—the handsome pirate Captain Edmund Drake and his notorious and fearsome opponent, Blackbeard.  How far will Captain Drake go to reclaim his prize? Which pirate will decide her fate? And who will pay … A Pirate’s Ransom?

A Pirate’s Ransom is available at:

Soul Mate Publishing:


Barnes & Noble:   and

I’m having a fabulous contest. Please visit my website at, and click on “Claim the Ransom” and enter for your chance to sail away with a cash prize. Best of luck to all who enter.

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A Pirate’s Ransom

A Pirate's Ransom

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